The month of The Moonstone!
Moonstones are June’s Birthstone, along with Pearls and Alexandrite.
And one of my favorite gemstones of all time!
Moonstones come in Blue, White, Green, Peach, and Rainbow colors and can range from a beautiful hazy clear, to very cloudy and included with white undertones.
The flash of color or reflective sparkle inside the stone is a phenomenon called Adularesence. It is created by microscopic layers of Feldspar, each reflecting light off of the tiny individual layers. The more clear the stone, the more organized those microscopic layers are, and the higher the quality and more valuable. (I tend to try to use the clearer stones when possible - but when I find a stone that might be very included but you just cannot deny the spectacular range of color or flash, it will be my pleasure to try and set in in such a way to bring out even more of it's internal beauty!)
Moonstones can be cut in many ways. The Cabochon Shape with a domed top and a flat bottom is by far the most popular shape as it can really enhance and put the focus on the Adularesence coming from within the gemstone. It also resembles the shape of the moon! They can also be faceted like a Diamond or carved with beautiful intricate designs! These carved pieces are priced higher due to the skills needed by the carver since Moonstones are a 6-6.5 on the Moh's Hardness Scale and are also brittle with a tendency to fracture along the lines of the inclusions and layers deep within the stone, making carving quite difficult!
The weight of the gemstone itself, usually measured in a unit of measure known as "Carats". For a little history on the Carat, visit this blog post on Diamonds! Rough Moonstone or very large Moonstones will more likely measured in grams. |
Moonstones are in the Feldspar Family, the same family as Labradorite, and in fact, Labradorite is sometimes considered a Black Moonstone and Moonstones can be considered White Labradorite. The only difference is the undertones in the stones themselves. Labradorite has black flecks that create a deeper more saturated look and Moonstones have a general whiteness to them lightening them up to look like little drops of moonlight!
Moonstone and Feldspar deposits are found all over the world and is said to make up almost 2/3 of the world's stone. Look for them in Armenia, Australia, Austria, Mexico, Madagascar, Myanmar, Norway, Poland, India, Sri Lanka, and even the USA. In the USA Moonstone can be found in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. In the USA these deposits are mostly Feldspar in general which include Labradorite, Moonstone, Sunstone, Albite, and Larvakite.
The state gemstone of Florida is the Moonstone but no Moonstones are actually found there. The state gemstone was chosen to commemorate the moon landing, launched from the Kennedy Space center in 1969. |
From 1880 to 1920 it was a local pastime for locals and tourists alike to scour the (nicknamed) "Moonstone Beach" in Redondo Beach, California where they would naturally wash up on shore.

At one time believed to be droplets of the Moon on Earth, Moonstones were given the name "Traveler's Stones" for the protection they bring, especially for those traveling by water at night, by the Light of the moon. Also a talisman of Good Fortune, moonstones enable one's awareness and brings a sense of calm to the wearer, allowing for recognition and utilization of the natural rhythms and cycles of the Universe around us. Wearing one allows the wearer to harness the lunar powers of the Earth's closest satellite, bringing luck, good fortune, and guiding us through change with ease!
The Moon is associated with Feminine Energy matching with the cyclical nature of a woman’s month, and Moonstones are thought to embody this energy and bring fertility to the wearer. The Blue Moonstone is also the perfect Bridal Stone. Blue is a color linked to fidelity further linking the bride to a long, happy, and fertile marriage, honoring the cycles of the Feminine. A wonderful choice for your "Something Blue"!
I hope you've enjoyed this introduction to Moonstones!
Have a wonderful month, Fireflies!